The eHealth Forum Exhibition and Startup Garden in Athens opens its doors to the general public from 20 to 22 October, framing the deliberations of the eHealth Forum Conference.
The Exhibition is the first and only health tech development and innovation initiative open to all, and is set up in a creative space at the New Retorts Building specifically designed for the needs of this unique audience.
Connect with our community of researchers, professors, international tech companies; meet developers and entrepreneurs creating innovative business models and solutions. Get hands-on experience and share ideas to be a part of the movement that will launch new applications to benefit you. Our supporting partners will be there to answer your questions and hear your ideas! HL7 Hellas, Greek Network EIP on AHA, Hellenic Healthy Cities Network (EDDYPPY), IHE-Europe, HL7 International, Hellenic Health Informatics Association (HHIA), Open Health Alliance, ICS-FORTH, Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE), Hellenic Society of Health Services and Education (EEMEPY), Greek Biomedical Informatics and Health Informatics Association (GBHI), Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA).